Guardians of The City SFFD Home Page - San Francisco Fire Department Museum

Truck Companies:


Truck Company No. 14
San Francisco Fire Department

Organized:  1923

Location:  Outer Richmond

1923   Assigned to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 36, 551 - 26th Avenue
1954   Relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 46, 441 - 12th Avenue, for the rebuilding of the firehouse
1955   February, returned to new quarters of Engine Co. No. 36, 551 - 26th Avenue
1972   November 20th, relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 31, 441 - 12th Avenue
1974   May 18th, returned to new quarters of Engine Co. No. 14, 551 - 26th Avenue
1998   March 2nd, relocated to the quarters of Engine Co. No. 31, 441 - 12th Avenue, for the earthquake retrofitting of the firehouse
1998   December 17th, returned to remodeled quarters of Engine Co. No. 14, 551 - 26th Avenue

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